Monday, January 01, 1990

Memory: Multiple memory systems: the power of interactions.

Entrez PubMed: "Two relatively simple theories of brain function will be used to demonstrate the explanatory power of multiple memory systems in your brain interacting cooperatively or competitively to directly or indirectly influence cognition and behaviour. The view put forth in this mini-review is that interactions between memory systems produce normal and abnormal manifestations of behaviour, and by logical extension, an understanding of these complex interactions holds the key to understanding debilitating brain and psychiatric disorders."

Multiple memory systems: the power of interactions.
McDonald RJ, Devan BD, Hong NS.
Neurobiol Learn Mem. 2004 Nov;82(3):333-46.

Memory : Multiple memory systems: The power of interactions
Author Keywords: Interactions; Memory; Hippocampus; Dorsal striatum; Amygdala; Prefrontal cortex; Nucleus accumbens; Anxiety; Depression; Fear; Obsessive–compulsive disorder; Schizophrenia; Drug addiction; Drug abuse

NOTE: Despite discussing "multiple memory systems", the authors make no mention of DID in their keywords. This is yet another example of problematic diagnoses leading to erroneous reporting.
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